Well, I must be the most well-traveled almost-five-month-old little girl there is! Mami and I just got back from another trip. This time, we spent four days in San Francisco, California, for Mami's CALICO Conference.
It was a long trip out there, but I was happy and playful and charming the whole trip.

We were traveling with Mami's friend Chris, and the first thing we did when we got there was take a walk down to the bay. You can't see it thanks to the fog and the cheap disposable camera, but the Golden Gate Bridge is there in the background. (I'm there in the stroller, too!)
We also saw lots of trolleys.

And lots of very big hills! (A word of warning for future San Francisco travelers: if the concierge looks at you like you're crazy when you say you want to walk down to the bay and back, even if it is only 2 miles, wonder why! These HUGE hills confronted us on the way back home at every turn!)

But then, back at the hotel room, we were able to kick back and relax a little, and enjoy the view of the city.

We had a great big bed that I talked Mami in to sharing with me!

Of course, I attended conference sessions as well. There weren't any changing tables in the bathrooms, so I had to have my diaper changed in between sinks - the indignities of travel!

We also got to enjoy some good food (well, I enjoyed mine by way of Mami...) with good friends. Here I am in a great little Mexican restaurant with my friends Bill and Lara.

But then, all too soon, the weekend was over and we were back in cabs, airports and airplanes. After a redeye flight, we spent some time in Atlanta during the dawn hours before making our connection. I was still pretty charming, in spite of being very tired.

And then we were back in Gainesville! And Resli and Daddy were at the airport waiting for us.

It's so great to be home. I love to see the world, but I think I'll stick around here for a while now.