
My first school pictures

We just got back our school pictures - this is the first year I've ever had mine taken so I was very excited about it.
I got to dress up in costumes and play with different things.

And luckily Resli was there to make me laugh.

We weren't thrilled about the whole theme thing of the picture shoot, but some of them came out well, don't you think?

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It's great to have a big sister

I'm so lucky to have Resli as a big sister. We have so much fun together, from just sitting on the bed...
... to jumping on the bed.

Resli sits me on her lap and reads me stories.

And she also helps me make quite a mess. (That's our favorite thing to do.)

She also leads me around on fun - and sometimes dizzying - games that only a big sister could.

I'm lucky, aren't I?

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My party!

Today was finally the day of my birthday party.

Mami made my Pablo cake, at last.

(He came out OK, except for those eyes. What's up with that, Pablo?)

And this afternoon we decorated a picnic pavilion at my favorite park and some of my friends came to help me celebrate. We played on the playground and talked and laughed, and then everyone sang to me.

There was even a Pablo piƱata, full of fun toys (no candy, please, yesterday was plenty!).

And then Resli and I ran around playing with balloons for longer than you'd think possible.

It's been a long few days of celebrating, but now I'm officially two years old and have celebrated accordingly!