
Change of address

Dear friends and family and followers-
As of today, March 21st 2010, I am moving to a new bloghome.

It's been fun having my own special blog, but I'm going to go over to the World Wide Wards blog, where the rest of my family is, and hang with them from now on. Come check me out there, and you can see how fast Resli and I keep growing and also learn what other things we're all up to. My new home is at: http://world-wide-wards.blogspot.com. See you there!


Missing Daddy

Daddy had to go away again to another conference this week - just a couple days after coming home from the last one. We miss him so much we had to go out to Buddha Belly for dinner tonight. I kept looking expectantly at the door hoping he'd walk in.

But he didn't.
Mami distracted us by watching a cool Disney video on her iphone though. That almost made up for no Daddy!

Hurry home, though, Daddy, we miss you!

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