I Don't Believe We've Been Properly Introduced ...
My name is Lela Dorothy Ward. As my big sister would say, "what's YOUR name?" My Mami and Daddy took me to have my picture taken today. The first picture you see below is, well, proof that I'm a Lela and not some boy. I know the picture's a little hard to figure out, but trust me on this one.Lela is my Daddy's maternal grandmother's name and Dorothy is my Mami's maternal grandmother's name, and you know how "green" Mami and Daddy are, so they decided to recycle both of those names. They've promised to tell me stories about both Lela and Dorothy one day.
The picture below is a little more ... dignified ... than the first one:Sometimes I like to get a little silly (I get that from my big sister), like in the next picture where you can see me blowing bubbles. At least that's what Daddy says it looks like.
Ok, that's all for now. Remember, be nice to Mami and Daddy and Resli. I want them all to be in a good mood when I make my debut.
I can't wait to meet all of you!