
Where does the time go?

Time is certainly flying by, isn't it? Just today I found another one of those signs that Mami likes to make each month:
This one, apparently, says I'm ELEVEN MONTHS OLD today!
I had to share the news with Tigger, my new friend from Resli's trip to Disney.
He and I are both pretty excited about this.

And in just a month we're going to be celebrating being one year old. My goodness, where does the time go?!?


We miss you, Daddy!

Daddy left today for a week-long trip to Texas. 
We took him to the airport and helped him inside. I thought for a minute that if I snuck in to his suitcase I could go with him, but he saw me.

So we had a little talk about how much he loved me and how Resli and I are going to keep Mami compan y this week.

And then I gave him one of my trademarked open-mouth-slobbery-Lela-kisses.
How are we going to make it a whole week without you, Daddy?!?


Future Numismatist

Just one of my many career options.

Thanks for the t-shirt, Uncle Adam! :)

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Houston, we have a problem

I am pretty much always content, and even when Mami is trying to get some work done I can entertain myself pretty happily. So she knew something was wrong when I started to whimper, and thankfully came to investigate.
Turns out, I'd gotten my foot stuck in this Fisher Price bus!
See, it's stuck!
Now, I ask you: What kind of mother goes for the camera before rescuing her poor baby from the death grip of a yellow plastic bus? Well, a devoted blogger, I suppose.

But that's OK, I regained my good cheer and smiled for the camera, even before she got me out. 

Yes, more walking

Mami just can't get over how well I'm walking, so she took another video of me. 
First, here's my starting pose. It was just too cute to pass up. (Check out all that drool! My top teeth are dying to come in.)
And now, here I go. In this video, we finish with some kissing - one for Mami, and then one for YOU, blog fan!


Lela's soliloquy

I have a whole repertoire of noises that I love to make. Here are just a few of them.


Nothin' like a good supper

You all may remember that my sister Resli was not what we'd call a voracious eater (nor is she today, for that matter). Well, I'm the total opposite - I love me some food! Although I like baby food, I am more and more interested in what everyone else is eating, which I indicate by pointing and grunting. And I've gotten very good at feeding myself, too.

Last night, I had some yummy sweet potato ~ carrot mush that Mami whipped up for me, but she was eating a chicken pot pie that I just had to have. A little chicken here, some peas and carrots there, and before you know it, I think I ate more than Mami did!
I was quite content with myself, the greasy sheen across my face not withstanding.

Supper is great, but it's even greater when you can choose your menu and eat it yourself!


Blue, bluer, bluest

This isn't the greatest picture of me, but we like the three blues - in my shirt, in the paper I'm holding, and in my eyes... each one prettier than the next!

Going for a stroll

My walking skills continue to improve. I still break in to a craw when in a real hurry, but each day I do better and better.

Just wait for the next video, I'll be running and jumping hurdles!


Toys toys everywhere...

...and yet my favorite thing to play with is Mami's purse!
Here I am at the doctor's last week - I took everything out and examined it intently.
This is Mami's pencil case. (Hmm, can't seem to get it open...?)

And then I found a water bottle, a flash drive, and a diaper!

Then the keys and the wallet came out and it was just a grand ole time!

Watch out Fisher Price, I'm on to something good here!


These boots were made for walkin'!

But really, who needs boots?