
Expanding My Rolodex

I'm always looking for new friends, and in this case, family. Resli tells me this nice lady is my Aunt Melissa. I can't help noticing that she bears a striking resemblance to my Mami. Hmmmm...

I'm so glad she came to stay with us for a few days, even if Resli did monopolize most of her time.


Gillian Lord Ward said...

Everyone misses you already, Meliss!

Melissa said...

Me too! I thought about you guys the whole time I was in JAX--well past 9:30 waiting for my plane to take off...! But then I was still thinking about you this morning when I woke up in my own bed and to the sound of my alarm clock; not NEARLY as pleasant an experience as having Resli come in to ask me if I'm awake.