

Hi blogfans! I've got a special surprise for you - do you know what happened yesterday (April 29th)?

Yep, you guessed it, I turned SIX MONTHS OLD! How about that - a whole half-year!

It's pretty exciting stuff. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go eat this paper.

Daddy's Little Broadcaster

So you've seen the pictures of when Daddy takes me to his office. Honestly, that's pretty boring. But this past Saturday evening he took me upstairs to the studio while he was on the air. THAT, my friends, is big fun!

Hmm ... if I can just figure out how to talk on this thing, the world is my oyster! (Now tell me again what an oyster is?)


Jump jump jump!

Just having fun

It's so much more fun to play now that I can sit up so well. I surround myself with toys and just have a blast. And look mighty cute doing so, if I might add.

Oh, come on, you know you think I look adorable too, don't deny it!


Did I hear a "mama"?

I'm working on my vocabulary. Daddy is convinced I'm saying "Mama", but it only tends to happen when Mami and I are not in the same room (and usually when I'm hungry). In any case, Mami and I spent some time today seeing what, um, 'words' I could say. See what you think.


Daddy's Office

Yesterday Mami had a meeting at work, so Daddy took me to his office to show me off to all his co-workers. It was a little scary at first - I hadn't been there in such a long time, you know.

But then Daddy gave me a kiss (and found my pacifier) and I felt MUCH better ...


My first Gator game!

Today I went to my very first Gator game. (Well, about two weeks before I was born Mami and Daddy went to the Auburn game and I had no choice but to go along as well. It was really loud, even from where I was. So I've been very curious to see what it was like from the outside.)
Resli said we had to get all Gator-ed up, so she let me wear her hair bow along with my gator onesie.

Daddy and Resli sat next to us and we watched the Gators run around the field. I didn't know the words to all the songs and the cheers, like Resli did, but maybe she'll teach them to me.

It was kind of hot at the game, but I think I enjoyed it. I got to hang out in the sling with Mami, and I always like that.

I'm hoping for a great upcoming Gator season!

Double the bathtime fun!

Daddy was at a meeting last night so Mami had to take care of both me and Resli. Bathtime posed a bit of challenge, but she solved it by putting my tub in Resli's bath! We got to bathe together!

It was fun for me to spend that time with Resli, although she was a little too eager to pour water over my head. But we had a good time anyway!
Note: This post is also listed, in much the same form, on Resli's blog. Pardon the crosslisting!


Resli makes me laugh!

It's so great to have a big sister that makes me laugh. She does the silliest and simplest things, but I get a huge kick out of them.

Bathtime delicacies

I discovered the most delectable delicious delicacy after Daddy gave me my bath the other day: my own toes. YUM YUM!

Photo by: Nana


ANOTHER pretty dress

I'm growing so fast that I got to wear another new dress today. This one is from Mami's friend Tammy and her family. They brought it back from Ecuador (right, Tammy?) before I was even born.

It's been waiting months and months for me to be big enough, but I think it was worth the wait, don't you?
Thanks, Tammy, Jay, Reese and Sonia!

Family time

My Nana came to visit us this weekend. It was great to see her, since I didn't remember her from my last visit, and I've changed so much since she last saw me that she hardly recognized me.
We sat on the couch together for a while.

But then my sister Resli sat down for a little carpet picnic, and I wanted to join her.

Hey, sis, can I have some goldfish?

(She said no. She explained to me that soon I'll be able to eat all kinds of things, but not yet.)

That's ok, I still enjoyed sitting with her.

Going for a ride

Daddy tried to take me to the dry cleaner's the other day!

Just kidding, we were just going for a fun ride down the hallway, like my sister used to do.

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