
Return of the Roseola!

Things are much easier with the second baby, because everyone knows a little better what to expect (except, of course, the second baby herself). My sister Resli had a couple bouts of Roseola in her first years, so Mami and Daddy recognized it in me pretty much right away. (OK, not exactly, they thought it was an allergic reaction to my antibiotics... but they figured it out eventually!)

It's hard to see the rash, but here's a look at my leg, where it's a bit more noticeable now.

For the most part though, I'm pretty happy and it doesn't seem to be bothering me too much.

1 comment:

hlward said...

Thankfully it doesn't seem to be bothering Lela much.

Wouldn't "Roseola" be a great name for an alt-country band?