
Twenty. One. Months. (!)

Yep, it's that time again!

I'm now 21 months old!

Where oh where does the time go?!?

I'm learning so much every day. It must be because I'm getting old enough now to think out of the box, huh?

(tee hee)


Sister hugs!

Somehow, Resli and I decided to do a lot of cuddling the other day. She was lying down and I just kinda attacked her with a sister hug.

And kisses too. As I said, "Kiss too. Muah!"

Doh! I bumped my nose, ow! He he, Resli bumped hers too!
That's ok though, we kept hugging. And only smooshed my face a little.

And check out this added bonus - we did so much cuddling that my hair stopped curling up everywhere!
Sisters are great, aren't they?


Just loungin' around

On a lazy Saturday I like to lounge around and relax, maybe read a good book.

Resli does too. We're quite fond of the stone hearth as a great place to lie down.
(Pardon the diaper.)

Mami and Daddy can't explain that either. It sure doesn't seem comfortable to them!

Portrait time!

So, there are more than a few great pictures of me and my sister separately.
But Mami is always interested in getting us to sit close together and get a picture of us both. (She likes having them for her computer desktop I think.) We make this very difficult on her. What follows are a few of the products of yesterday's photo shoot.

"Happy Resli, silly-face Lela"

"Really happy Resli, leery Lela"

"Hug attempt #1, Lela suspicious"

"Open up and say ahhh"

Hug attempt #2: Success (more or less)!


I'm as sweet as can be

Mami and Daddy think I'm as sweet as can be, but apparently the bugs do too. I was outside with Grandma for 10 minutes the other day and they just wanted to eat me all up:

Now, Grandma is nice and all, but she clearly isn't as super-sweet as I am because they left her alone.
But really though, when you think about it, who could resist this sweetness?

(Still though, thank goodness for Benadryl!)

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Turtle races!?!

Mami was doing something in the other room yesterday morning and heard me and Resli yelling "Turtle races! Turtle races!" She had no idea what we were talking about so she came to see.It's about as literal an interpretation as possible:

We were each riding a turtle and racing around the living room. (What did you think it was?) Want to see how that works?

Resli had the advantage on me, she kept winning the races. She's got longer legs.
But I know how to cheat!

After a while, I got tired of riding the turtle and decided I needed a better mount.
Yep, this one is much better!
Oh, don't worry about her, she LOVED it!


A new discovery: popsicles!

Given the heat and humidity of recent days, I was thrilled to make a new discovery after dinner: POPSICLES! I wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first...

But I quickly figured it out!

Those darn things melt so fast! Uh oh...
But that's ok, I ate most of it and boy was it tasty.
Except for that last big bite... Oh, head freeze!


Hugs and kisses from Lela



My first trip to the beach

Can you beleive that I've lived in Florida for over 20 months now and had never been to the beach until yesterday! I know, shocking. But we fixed that with an overnight trip to St. Augustine.

I was getting ready for it all week by trying on my life jacket. Not only did it fit, but it was comfortable enough to wear around the house. Like, non-stop.
In the car, I donned my shades to get ready for all the sun and fun.
Pretty cool, huh?
We got to our hotel room and Resli and I had to get into our swimsuits and stuff. She was very impatient and wanted me to get ready faster. Boy was she excited about the beach!
At last, we headed down the boardwalk!
I liked the ocean a lot. It scared me a little when there were waves, but it was fun. I didn't like the sand on my toes, I kept trying to dust it off, but then it got on my hands. Luckily there was an outdoor shower and a pool, so we got to wash it all off. I had a great time chillin' in the pool in my inner tube floatie thing and watching Resli practice her swimming.
I got out sooner than Resli did because I was getting bored, so then I just sat there in my towel and relaxed a little.
The one thing I've learned I do not like is sitting in a wet swimsuit (and swimmie diaper) - as soon as we got back up to the room I took everything off! And immediately climbed up on the couch to read books.
(Shhh, don't tell housekeeping!)
I definitely hope we can go to the beach again. In spite of what the humid sea air does to my hairdo, that is:
Corkscrew curls or not, I definitely loved the trip!


You can call me Albuterol

I'm in the middle of another nasty asthma episode, pretty bad this time. In order to ensure I get enough of the nebulizer treatment, they gave me a mask instead of just the "aim it towards my face and hope I breathe it in" approach.

The first two times I HATED it and screamed incessantly. Now I'm ok with it, as long as we read books the whole time. And I would appreciate it if Mami would unfold my ear.
Please send happy clear-lung-breathing thoughts my way!

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