Acting like a 2-year-old

Lela Dorothy Ward was born at 10:30pm on October 29th, 2007. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and measured 21 inches. Lela was her father's maternal grandmother's name, and Dorothy was her mother's maternal grandmother's name. Check back for updates as she continues to grow...
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
The past few days I've been having some trouble with goop in my eyes and my lids being all swollen. It's been getting worse, so Mami finally took me to the doctor this morning. Turns out it's NOT pink eye, just a really bad sinus infection that is so backed up it had to come out my tear ducts. Poor me! But I'm on antibiotics now and will soon be able to see again.
I feel fine, by the way. I just look gross.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 3 comments
Today was a special Sunday because it's the day before Resli turns 5 years old! She and I got all dressed up in funny outfits this morning as part of our celebration.
But later we put on our real party clothes - ballerina costumes.
I put a headband in too, see?
Grandma and Granddaddy and Ms. Jenifer came over for our party, and we had presents and cake and grand time. One of Resli's coolest presents was a flashlight from Nana, and I spent quite some time chasing the light around the floor. Mami says she had a cat that used to do this...
There's nothing wrong with that, is there?!?
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 3 comments