
How I spend my days

Many of you have inquired what I do with all my spare time, since unlike my big sister, I don't go to school yet, and unlike my parents, I am not yet gainfully employed. Be assured, however, that my days are just packed.

I like to start the day with a nice spa treatment. This place Mami and Daddy call "the kitchen" is just the best for a relaxing shampoo and massage - you'll really have to visit.

I spend a lot of the day practicing my licks and creating catchy riffs. I rock. Hard.

And then I like to sit in Daddy's lap for a bit of conversation, but he's SOOOO comfortable I just can't stay awake no matter how interesting the discussion.


Melissa said...

You are a beautiful one! Happy one week, dearest Lela!
With love from your Aunt M

Dr. L said...

Lela, take advantage of the spa treatments! they won't last forever!