
Entertaining myself at home

Even though Mami's back to work --the fall semester starts Monday!-- we've still managed to find time to hang out together at home. I love playing in the living room, there's so much to do.
I love Resli's purse, I carry it around with me a lot.

And this pink chair, which is also Resli's but she's generous enough to let me use it too, is the perfect place to sit and rest.

And to catch up on my reading as well.

But I get a little tired of the same old baby books, and have been showing a real interest in Stephen King lately. (Incidentally, Resli was a fan of his too!)

And then just to keep Mami on her toes, I hopped in to the food basket!

But it's all fun. She's sure going to miss me once classes start up again.

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

Great pix! I've been meaning to ask you how you got a Publix shopping basket??!!! I want one!!