
Home improvements

As you may know if you've read Resli's blog lately, we've had some problems with our house that are going to require some renovations or, at the very least, repairs. (You can read about it here if you haven't already.) But we also have some other improvements in mind anyway, so yesterday we all took a trip to Lowes to see what kind of inspiration we could muster.
Resli and I loved all the colors chips in the paint section.

We helped Mami and Daddy pick out a great color for a new painting endeavor they've got in mind... But it's a secret until it's done. I'll show you pictures then. For now, I'm not telling!

Then we worked our way over to the bathroom section. Resli was surprised by all the faucets and stuff, but I was just kind of calmly checking it all out and taking it all in.

We thought the different tub/shower options were pretty interesting.

We can't wait to see what their new bathroom looks like!

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