
Happy, healthy and strong!

I had my one-year check-up with Dr. Grooms on Friday. We had to wait a while, but luckily they have fun toys in the waiting room.

Oh, and guess what? I HAVE SHOES! That helped pass the time too.

Then we got in to my room and I took my clothes off... and waited some more!

So I tried some climbing.

And some playing with Daddy.

And then we saw the doctor. I am very healthy! I weigh almost 22 pounds (that's 55th-60th percentile) and am 30 inches long (75th percentile). I didn't even freak out during my exam, at least not that much.
Until the shots. OUCH.
But Daddy was there to cuddle with me and make it all better.

And now I'm fine, and enjoying being such a happy healthy baby. No, scratch that. I'm a happy healthy toddler.

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