
Testing out my communication skills

Earlier this week, I made a new friend named Katie. Katie is studying commuication development in children and wanted to practice a few of her techniques on me.
We played with animals, babies (I can say "baby"!) cheerios (yum!), blocks (I can stack four blocks!) and bubbles (way cool, I was fascinated!).

She didn't really tell my mom specifically how I did on my tests, but we're pretty sure I aced them. I'm all about communicating, you know. I say lots of words now, including "baby,", "Dada," "Bay-bee" (which with the right intonation is pretty clearly 'Resli'), "Dora," "gator," and "thank you"! They don't all sound like the way you'd say them maybe but we all know what I mean.

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Unknown said...

Wow, Lela! I can't wait to have a chat with you. See you on Tuesday.

hlward said...

and "Mami", she can say "Mami" as well.

Unknown said...

But which came first, Mami or Gator?