
How I celebrate being 15 months old

Yep, that's right, today I turn 15 months old. However, we all sort of forgot about it, it's been very busy around here. It also happens that I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately, so I ended up taking a birthmonth trip to the pediatrician's office.
I enjoyed playing with Mami's wallet while we were waiting.

I also took the opportunity to do some cleaning. (Not to mention spilling water on myself.)

I won't confess how many times I had to pinch my fingers in the garbage can before I stopped sticking them in there... (Come on, I'm only 15 months old! I don't learn these things too quickly!)

And then, look! Dr. Wyatt came in!

Unfortunately, he had some bad news: BOTH of my ears are infected! No wonder I haven't been feeling so great lately. We got some antibiotics though and I should be better soon.
In the meantime, though, I decided to do a little 15-month-party at my house later today. And what party would be complete if there weren't some crazy little girl taking her diaper off?

Come on guys, help me celebrate a year and a quarter!


Milestone: self-dressing

I'm not quite there (although I'm very helpful with most articles of clothing). And I'm very interested in trying to put on my shoes (or, as I call them, "OSH"). However, I'm getting very good at taking off my socks. Here, I'll show you how:
First, you grab hold of the toe.

And then you pull hard. Oops, hang on, I slipped off...

Let's try again. Grab the toe...

And ta-daa, the sock is off!

My skills are very impressive, aren't they?

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The newest word in my ever-expanding vocabulary

The latest word I've learned to say is "sister."
Seriously, with a sister like mine, wouldn't you want to say that too?

We have such a great time together, I'm so lucky to have her!

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Hand-me-downs never looked so good!

My sister Resli has so many great clothes that she's grown out of that I have a wonderful wardrobe waiting for me at every size.
Take this dress, for example. My cousin Reeny gave it to Resli years ago, but now it fits me just perfectly, don't you think?

(To refresh your memory, here's a picture of the dress with its original owner. It's reversible, so you get two fabulous looks in one!)

[October 2006]

And now for the real question: Do Resli and I look alike? We want to hear from you!


Partytime at my school

So, I'm still not that happy about being in school, but they did something neat tonight - they had a party! We all got to go in our pajamas, and they read us stories. (Yes, I cried hen we pulled in to the parking lot, but eventually calmed down as long as I was being held and assured that I wouldn't be left alone!)

Oh, and I snagged a few of Resli's cookies - yum!

Resli's friend Riley thought I was cute too, and she kept talking to me and rubbing my cheek. I liked her.

I got up for the hokey pokey but wasn't quite sure how to do it.

It was fun in an interesting kind of way, but mostly I spent the evening in Daddy's arms. And that's where I like it best.


Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'

Today was one of those days that, as Daddy says, makes people move to Florida. (Or makes you bust out singing show tunes. Click the title of the post if you want to sing along...)
It was sunny and warm and beautiful out, and we couldn't stand the thought of having to stay inside. So Mami packed up a picnic lunch and we headed to the park.
I hadn't been to this park in a while, so this was my first time on these swings, which I just loved.

Resli and I both wanted to go higher and higher.

So, we got Daddy involved in some synchronized pushing:

Yep, that's definitely the way to go!

After the swings Resli took me around to show me the other cool stuff they had.

She veered off to the big kids' play area since, as she pointed out to anyone who would listen, she's almost four years old.

I did some investigating of my own on the toddlers' gym.

It'll take some practice, but I can see that it's going to be a fun place to play.
After all that playing, it was time for lunch. Mami and Resli were being silly with the camera,
But not me, blog fans, I'm all about the lunch!
It was a wonderful morning and Resli and I both took 2-hour naps when we got home. (Mami and Daddy may have snuck in a few zzzs too...)


National champs!

I don't know if you've heard about this, blog fans, but the Florida Gators won the national football championship last night! Needless to say, Resli and I were quite excited about that. Our school principal suggested we all wear gator clothes today - we didn't have a problm with that either!

Resli kept doing the chomp,

while I showed my touchdown pose over and over.

We're so proud of our Gators!

(I'm happy here, really, I'm not nearly as terrified as I look... It's just that Resli can be a little intense in her enthusiasm sometimes...)


Lela's first day of "school"

(Be sure to click the thumbnails to see the photos and the text!)

Click to play Lela's 1st day of school


What I do when I don't want to take my nap

... basically, throw everything on the floor!

And then I point at it all and say "Uh oh!"

List: Things NOT to Feed a Toddler

1. Soft tacos

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