
Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'

Today was one of those days that, as Daddy says, makes people move to Florida. (Or makes you bust out singing show tunes. Click the title of the post if you want to sing along...)
It was sunny and warm and beautiful out, and we couldn't stand the thought of having to stay inside. So Mami packed up a picnic lunch and we headed to the park.
I hadn't been to this park in a while, so this was my first time on these swings, which I just loved.

Resli and I both wanted to go higher and higher.

So, we got Daddy involved in some synchronized pushing:

Yep, that's definitely the way to go!

After the swings Resli took me around to show me the other cool stuff they had.

She veered off to the big kids' play area since, as she pointed out to anyone who would listen, she's almost four years old.

I did some investigating of my own on the toddlers' gym.

It'll take some practice, but I can see that it's going to be a fun place to play.
After all that playing, it was time for lunch. Mami and Resli were being silly with the camera,
But not me, blog fans, I'm all about the lunch!
It was a wonderful morning and Resli and I both took 2-hour naps when we got home. (Mami and Daddy may have snuck in a few zzzs too...)


Unknown said...

A girl's got to keep her strength up if she's going to have action-packed days like this one. (And just what was that you were eating for lunch?)

Gillian Lord Ward said...

A clem. She loves 'em.