
Fun and adventures on vacation

Everything we did at Nana's was so much fun, and so many things I never do regularly. Did you know Nana has a horse? His name is Piper and we got to meet him! I was a little scared, but he seemed nice.
At the barn where Piper lives there are all kinds of cool animals to see, like rabbits and cats and these goldfish. No, silly, not the kind you eat! The kind that swim in ponds!
But speaking of goldfish, it was soon snack time.
Yummy goldfish. And yes, the kind you eat this time!
Resli tried to help me eat my goldfish. It didn't work so well.
She's funny!

Oh look, a cat walked by - very distracting!
Later that day we went to a neat park and playground. I went sliding. You know I like slides by now, right?
And Resli and I played on this dinosaur, too.

The coolest part, though, was the stream. I could have spent hours and hours picking up rocks and throwing them in the water. It was great!

(The water adventures ended due to the intervention of some icky nature, check Resli's blog for details on that one!)
How's that for just about the best vacation ever?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lela, you are the best pebble thrower I know!