A trip to the ENT
I went to see the ENT specialist last week. I've had sooo many ear infections and am resistant to all the antibiotics I'm not allergic to, so we decided to see what we could do. Beba came with me to keep me company.
It was kind of scary, but I was a big girl, even when they looked in my ears and my mouth.
End result: I'm having tubes put in my ears and my adenoids removed on June 18th. Send me happy healthy thoughts!
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 3 comments
Who says I don't know the parts of the body?!?
We got our developmental evaluations at school today. Mine says that I'm just beginning to use two words together, that I have fewer than 10-15 words, and that I am not able to identify the parts of my body. Either the assessor was in a different room or they mixed me up with someone else, because that just is not true! To prove it, here's a video of me identifying all the body parts Mami says.
I also do this in Spanish, and of my own free will will say several of them. And yes, in longer phrases even, such as "Bump head, Mami. Hurts. Kiss it please." Here's one: "Camera hold it" as in, "Hey, you've got a camera there, I'd really like to have that in my hands!"
But yea, they may have gotten the part about self-feeding skills "emerging" right, check out that fruit juice bath. Sigh.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
Cute smiley faces
Even though I've been sick pretty frequently lately, I still manage to find a smile almost all the time.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
Yogurt is pretty mjuch the highlight of my day. I LOVE IT.
I come home every day from school just covered in yogurt, and finally this week, when I was home sick, Mami discovered why. Because I insist on feeding myself. "Lela do it! My yogurt! Me do it!"
What, do I have something on my face?
Mami broke out the video camera to catch my independent streak on film, but true to form, I surprised her by asking for help.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
Fountain fun!

Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 0 comments
A beautiful afternoon outdoors
Even though it's been pretty hot out lately, I still love nothing more than playing outdoors.
Especially when Resli wants to play with me and show me things.
She knows so much and she always leads me to fun!
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
Mami is so lucky to be our Mami
Then Resli decided Mami would make a good horse. (She meant that in the most loving way possible.)
"Sure, that looks like fun," I thought. So I hopped on too.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments
Basket Rides
Resli and I just love it when Daddy goes to the dry cleaner, because that means he has to bring his big laundry basket back in from the car afterwards. . . And we often get a ride in it!
Yep, it looks crazy, but it's actually fun!
And Daddy gets his workout this way!
Fun times!
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
Me and my frohawk
As you know, my teacher Ms. Amy calls my wonderful hairdo a "frohawk." And quite frankly, she's got a point. I mean, look at these curls!
Sometimes we try to clip it down, but it doesn't really help...
One day Daddy did some serious brushing, and managed to produce some pretty tame results -
But they only lasted for a few minutes. Let's face it, the frohawk is here to stay!
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 4 comments
She must get it from her Daddy
A conversation between Mami and Lela
LELA: My bag!
MAMI: Well, sweetie, it has both of our stuff in it. Do you want to carry it?
LELA: Yes. My bag!
MAMI: Lela, honey, it's really heavy, can I help you?
LELA: NO! My bag! Lela bag!
MAMI: I know, Lela, but it's really heavy. Can I help you carry it?
LELA: No! No! No! Lela take it. Lela bag!
[Conversation lasts at least 10 minutes. Forward progress of approximately 4 inches is accomplished.]
Umm... can anyone say 'stubborn'?!?!?
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
Breathing treatments!
So, the little cold I'd had for a while got a whole lot worse this past week. By Wednesday I was having a hard time breathing, so we went to the doctor. Turns out I have bronchitis and bronchiolitis (yea, I'd never heard of that either, but you can read more about it here if you want). The good thing is it wasn't pneumonia, but I have to do these breathing treatments until I'm all better.
Lucky for me, I kinda like them!
I'm already feeling better, too, so hopefully I'll be back to normal in no time.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 2 comments