
A trip to the ENT

I went to see the ENT specialist last week. I've had sooo many ear infections and am resistant to all the antibiotics I'm not allergic to, so we decided to see what we could do. Beba came with me to keep me company.

It was kind of scary, but I was a big girl, even when they looked in my ears and my mouth.

End result: I'm having tubes put in my ears and my adenoids removed on June 18th. Send me happy healthy thoughts!

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Unknown said...

You got 'em.

Beba? Perhaps Asthma Annie would have been more appropriate, but I admire Beba's new do.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Asthma Annie would most definitely have been more appropriate, and slightly less nasty. But Lela has taken a real liking to Beba lately and, oddly enough, Resli does NOT always freak out when she carries her around. I pick my battles.

Dr. L said...

Yikes. I hope it goes well! I'm sure your Mami will give you extra treats and love!