
Thank you Grandpa!

When Resli and I got up from our naps today we found presents from Grandpa! They were these really cool shirts from the musueum in New York.
Resli's has a 4,000 year old blue hippopotomus on it.
Mine says POW! 
They're a little big, but we can wear them as night shirts for now. We think they're great, thank you, Grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lela and Larger Sister, I would say that the shirts are not big. They are gigantic!!! Have you shrunk? When the shirts were sent to you they were the right size. Something strange is afoot with our postal service. You are innocent victims of foul play. Love, Grandad Dick

P.S. All you need is a few poles and you could make tents out of the shirts.