
Splish splash!

Resli's been having such a blast at her swimming lessons at the public pool down the street that we decided to go there for a few hours this morning. I was super psyched to wear my new bathing suit - it has butterflies on it!

Resli was downright giddy with excitement. There was much hugging in anticipation of all the fun we'd have.
When we got there, I got a life jacket so that I wouldn't need to, you know, tread water the whole time.
Resli showed Daddy how good she's gotten at jumping in, climbing out, kicking, etc.
But for the most part, we all just hung out, splashing and jumping and having a great time!
I can't wait to go back. Maybe Resli will teach me how to swim some day!


Melissa said...

what a fun day! Your poor mother will probably never swim laps again...

Unknown said...

Yeah Lela! Resli looks so glad to have your company.

Dr. L said...

Looks cool, refreshing and fun!