
18-month well visit

I'm already (over) 19-months old, but I had my 18-month well-visit with Dr. Grooms today. I'm a month late because I haven't been well enough for a check up in weeks! 
Except for some major drooling (teething, we're thinking, or a sore throat kind of thing), I was pretty darn happy! I really like Dr. Grooms, I got ver excited on the car ride over and kept saying "Docta Gooms!"

And I did great through the exam. (Until the immunization, that is...) I remain at 75th %ile for height and weight, and slighter higher than that for head circumference. I'm a healthy girl!

The best part, even better than Dr. Grooms (sorry, Dr. Grooms) were the duckies. That's the other thing I kept shouting in the car: "Duckies see! Quack quack!" 
[I'm not sure where this postposed verb thing comes from, but she consistently uses object-verb order... weird!]
I was ecstatic when we saw them!

They let me get close enough to really see. Look at the babies! They're more like teens now, but when we were here a month or so ago with one of my various illnesses, they were tiny.
I kept trying to talk to the duckies, but they didn't respond.

The ducks make any doctor's visit fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They may not talk back to you but at least they're willing to let you get up close for a good look. I can't believe how chatty you've gotten in the last month.