Sister Time
Sometimes we just kind of sit and hang out. Resli gives me lots of good advice.
And sometimes we hold hands. I really can't participate in the fun all that much, but I still enjoy our time together.
Posted lovingly by hlward 0 comments
I'm So Busy I'm Always Running Late
What's that you say Mami? I'm HOW old? And I forgot to blog about it?!?!
Oh no, you don't think these are crows' feet around my eyes, do you?
Hah! Got you again ... I know I'm one gooood lookin' baby, because Daddy tells me so all the time.
Posted lovingly by hlward 0 comments
Ho Ho Ho!
So, Christmas was this week. As I've mentioned before, I'm a little bewildered by some of the stuff that goes on around this town. They tell me this "Christmas" is a big deal, so I was willing to go along with it, since everyone else seemed to enjoy it.
I didn't even complain when they put these antlers on me at the grocery store. Of course, I did pretend to be asleep ...
I asked my big sister to give me some inside information about Christmas, but the look on her face here tells me she may not be telling me everything. I'm not sure this idea of hanging socks beside the fireplace is, you know, up to the local fire codes, but I suppose I'll go along with it.
Ok, I do like the lights on the Christmas tree. A lot.
And I got some pretty cool stuff too. Maybe Christmas isn't so bad after all.
What's that you say? I have to wait HOW MANY days for it to happen again?
Posted lovingly by hlward 1 comments
The Prime Minister Takes a Meeting
Hi there! Welcome to my office.
I just have a couple of things to handle, and then we'll have a chance to chat.
I have some plans to work through with this mutant horse toy:
Man, some inanimate objects can be tough negotiators!
Just kidding! I don't actually DO meetings! Had you fooled, didn't I ...
Posted lovingly by hlward 3 comments
Blue light special
I have a great bouncy seat that has music and flashing lights to entertain me in my leisure time. Recently I've developed a special relationship with one of the blue lights - it makes me coo and giggle.
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Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
What Exactly is This "Christmas" Thing?
Everybody keeps talking about "Christmas." I want to know what it's all about, because as far as I can tell, it's an excuse to dress me in strange clothing ...
take me to outdoor "tree lighting" ceremonies (you can read more about this little adventure over at the big pink blog) ...
and stuff me into large stockings.
Resli tells me it's actually fun and that at some point I get presents, but I remain dubious.
Posted lovingly by hlward 0 comments
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work We Go ...
A couple of days ago I got to spend a couple of hours at my daddy's office. Lots of people wanted to hold me, including Daddy's friend Debbie. She's has a grandbaby too, so she knows how to hold us - I was comfortable enough with her to take a little nap.
There's so much to do at WUFT that I just couldn't handle it all. Daddy said it would be ok if I just took a nap in his arms while he answered some email at his desk.
I suppose work is ok if you really have to do it, but I think I'll spend the next few years playing instead if it's alright with everyone.
Posted lovingly by hlward 0 comments
Expanding My Rolodex
I'm always looking for new friends, and in this case, family. Resli tells me this nice lady is my Aunt Melissa. I can't help noticing that she bears a striking resemblance to my Mami. Hmmmm...
I'm so glad she came to stay with us for a few days, even if Resli did monopolize most of her time.
Posted lovingly by hlward 2 comments
This Is How I Roll ...
People get all hung up on "developmental milestones" like rolling over. I don't know what all the fuss is about - I'm only five weeks old and I rolled over just this morning. It's really easy - here, I'll show you how:
First, get good grip on a really cool orange and blue blanket ...
then push really hard ...
this is the tricky part, but don't get scared ...
and then, well, just, you know, FLIP! And try not to roll into the table leg.
What? Only a 9.0 from one of the judges? I nailed that dismount!
Posted lovingly by hlward 0 comments
Whose Birthday?
You say it's somebody's birthday? Somebody's one month old? I can't imagine who that could be.
What? Me? No way. I can't be that old, heck, I can't even COUNT that high.
It's really me? Well, then let's PARTY!
And then I don't know about you, but I'm gonna need a nap.
Posted lovingly by hlward 2 comments
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving
For my first Thanksgiving, I ... well, I slept, mostly. But I looked festive doing it in my turkey outfit.
We all went over to Grandma and Graddaddy's house. Because I slept so much, there aren't many pictures of me there. But I did get to meet my Aunt Liz. We bonded a little.
Then I went back to sleep.
But I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too!
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 0 comments
Ball o' Lela
There's no denying that I'm a good sized baby (see my bath pictures below if you don't believe me!). But sometimes when Daddy's holding me I'm so comfortable and happy that I just curl up in a tiny little ball.
Maybe this is why Daddy calls me "Squidgy" - it's an odd nickname, but he came up with it the very night I was born and it seems to be sticking.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
The Prime Minister Takes A Soak
Ahh, there, nothing like a good sudsy soak after a long day ...
What? What! Stop looking at me!
**My parents are concerned that some of you may be uncomfortable with the fact that they refer to me, a three-week old baby (as of tonight), as a certain legendary UK Prime Minister. I say get over it. Sometimes I DO look like Winston Churchill. I'll probably grow out of it.
Posted lovingly by hlward 1 comments
A Little Lovin' From My Big Sis
You know, I like Mami and Daddy a lot, but every now and then I just need to have a good cuddle with my sister.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
Whose Chin is That?
I've heard Mami and Nana talk about the famous "Shea Chin." I think I may have discovered what they were talking about ...
Or maybe I was just really, really hungry.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 1 comments
My Future As A Theatre Critic
Earlier today Mami and Daddy took me to my big sister's Thanksgiving program at her school. I waited patiently for the program to start, as you can see here ...
But a girl can only wait so long before ...
I swear, it's no reflection on the quality of the performance.
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward 0 comments
Busy, As Always
There's so much to be done out here. They keep me busy ALL the time. For instance, my parents seem obsessed with this "bath" idea. I don't get it, but I do have to say that the spa treatments continue to be first rate.
I end up spending quite a bit of time keeping Daddy up-to-date on the latest in baby tech. Here I am explaining (for the umpteenth time) how to make the music play in my Baby Einstein Play Gym:
Oh, and I sleep. Quite a lot. And I look good doing it.
Posted lovingly by hlward 2 comments
"We shall fight them on the beaches ..."
My parents swear that while I sleep and when I'm fussy I bear a striking resemblance to Winston Churchill. They've taken to calling me "the prime minister."
Posted lovingly by hlward 3 comments
My First Doctor's Visit
Last Friday I visited Doctor Grooms for my first checkup. They keep telling me it wasn't that bad, and that I should be glad I didn't get any shots, but as you can see, I am NOT glad about any part of it. Apparently my big sister Resli goes to this same doctor - they showed me a picture of one of her first visits.
Thank goodness Mami was there - I felt much better after talking (ok, screaming and crying) to her about it.
And then when I got home I hung out with Nana for a little while and Resli came over to give me kisses and tell how brave I was being about the whole thing. She's a great big sister and I'm glad I have her for a role model.
Posted lovingly by hlward 1 comments
How I spend my days
Many of you have inquired what I do with all my spare time, since unlike my big sister, I don't go to school yet, and unlike my parents, I am not yet gainfully employed. Be assured, however, that my days are just packed.
I like to start the day with a nice spa treatment. This place Mami and Daddy call "the kitchen" is just the best for a relaxing shampoo and massage - you'll really have to visit.
I spend a lot of the day practicing my licks and creating catchy riffs. I rock. Hard.
And then I like to sit in Daddy's lap for a bit of conversation, but he's SOOOO comfortable I just can't stay awake no matter how interesting the discussion.
Posted lovingly by hlward 2 comments