
8 months old!

What's that you say, Daddy? Today is what?

My eight-month day?

Well, yippee for me!

Time sure flies, doesn't it?
(Note from the blogger: Yea, it was YESTERDAY, we're just getting around to posting now.)


Mmmm... PRUNES!

I eat just about anything, you all know that. Prunes, however, are among my favorites. (And they're, um, easing my transition to solid foods... so I get them regularly.)
Mami did a fine job of feeding me my supper prunes, but I still wanted to help myself a little. I love playing with the spoon.

But now, come in closer so you can see how effective my self-feeding technique is.

Yea. This prompted my big sister to say:


A day in the life of the lead guitarist

What, you didn't know I play lead guitar? Of course I do, it says so right on the shirt my Uncle Adam gave me - you can see it in the pictures below.
And don't you remember that even right after I was born, I started rocking out? (Click here if you don't!)
So yes, the life of a lead guitarist is full of fun and adventure.
We start our day off working on some lyrics. That's what these letters are for, to compose my songs. Hmm, I'm thinking a barnyard theme for my next hit.

Then it's time for a little break so I don't get dehydrated. I'm learning to drink responsibly.

My favorite part of the day is my workout. It involves physical and musical exercise. This is actually a new toy to me, I'm just discovering it, but I see it has great potential for my career.

That was an awfully full morning. I think I'll take a nap. We stars need our rest.

The world traveler

Some day I'll grow up to be a world traveler I'm sure, but for now, I prefer my home turf. My Grandpa Dick, however, gets to go all kinds of places. He and Eleanor went to Italy a few weeks ago and sent me this great t-shirt.

Sure, it's a little big, but I wear it like a dress and I couldn't be happier.

Thanks, guys!


Always on the move

Here I am, on the move:

Yep, crawling, pulling up and even starting to cruise... and not even eight months old yet!

Me and my Granddaddy

Last weekend on Father's Day I got to spend some time with my Granddaddy.
I'm always a little tentative with him at first...

But that's usually because I'm afraid he's stolen my pacifier.
Oh, here it is - Grandma found it!

Now we're all cool.

Happy (belated) Father's Day, Granddaddy!


Let's see how my parents are doing...

I bet you didn't know this --I sure didn't-- but there are magazines that tell parents how to, well, be parents. Seriously, I saw one on the couch this morning.

So I pulled myself right on up to see it. (I can do that now, you know!)

Phew. Looks like they're doing everything right.

Of course, so am I, so we make it easy on each other.

Where's Lela?

There she is!


A new perspective

I have added yet another new and amazing skill to my repertoire of milestones. I'll show you...
Here I am just sitting in my crib, playing. (Yea, I'm sure the folks at Baby Einstein never meant their mobile to be used as a pull toy, but that's always how I've done it.)

Hey, come in a little closer if you want to see me in action.

OK, so I grab the bars and get on my knees.

And then, ta-daaa, I'm standing!

I know, I did that pretty quickly didn't I? That's what my parents said too.

But I like the way things look from up here, it's a whole new outlook.
Besides, now I can change the music too.



I've learned to crawl! It's a little funny looking still, because I'm still figuring it all out, but I am most definitely mobile.
It goes like this:
1. First, I'm sitting down.

2. Then, I lean forward on to my arms and get up on my knees.

3. Then I creep and crawl forward a little bit at a time. It's going to take a while to get the hang of the alternating hand/foot thing, but for now I go slowly and in short bursts.

No matter what though, you can be sure of this: I'm coming for you!

Oh, and here's an added bonus Step 4: I can now get back to sitting up from this position. So that means that I can sit up from lying down. You blog fans probably don't remember what it was like before you could do that, but it's pretty restrictive to have to stay lying down once you're there - this is a great freedom indeed!
So, message to Mami and Daddy: WATCH OUT!

Out and about in the public eye

After church today we went to our favorite Sunday place to eat, the bagel restaurant. (That's what Resli calls it, we're not really sure what it's real name is.)
I was quite happy reading my book and munching on my oatmeal cereal.

Oh, yea, and looking at Mami and Resli goofing around too!

I'm very cute, you say? Aw shucks, thanks. Why yes, of course you can take my picture.

OK, just one, that's enough.
No, really, all those flash bulbs bother me, please stop.
Enough already!

Teehee, just kidding. I was really only trying to grab the camera... I NEVER get tired of having my picture taken!


Family resemblances

This is a picture of my Mami when she was about my age, doing one of the things I love best: jumping!

Now, we can readily admit that she certainly doesn't have the adorably kissable cheeks that I do (who does? well, actually, my new friend Ashlyn might!), but other than that, I dare say there's a bit of a resemblance, don't you think? And there's the whole jumping thing too (except I think the thing Mami's jumping in is illegal these days, but boy it looks fun!)


How green are we?

There's all kinds of talk out there these days about global climate change, environmental concerns, and saving our planet. So we've decided to do our part: WE'VE SWITCHED TO CLOTH DIAPERS for me.
Thanks to BumGenius' wonderful one-size diaper, we now are fully stocked and ready for a few more years of diaperdom -- in green, pink, blue and yellow.

They're very comfortable from my perspective, and pretty easy so far from Mami's perspective. They go on just like regular diapers, with velcro and everything, and they have super-absorbent microfleece liners and, well, so far so good!

So, thumbs up for the environment!

Al Gore would be so proud of us. . .

Rolling, squirming and trying to crawl

I've been trying really hard to learn to crawl lately.

I can get up on my hands, and sometimes on my knees, but never at the same time. My preferred posture is this sort of runners' stance - one one knee and one foot, ready to take off at the sound of the gun.
So far, though, this keeps me from making much forward progress. However, I do move backwards quite nicely! This leads me to some odd places:

Oops! How'd I get under the table?!?
But clearly, I don't mind! I just keep trying and trying.