
How green are we?

There's all kinds of talk out there these days about global climate change, environmental concerns, and saving our planet. So we've decided to do our part: WE'VE SWITCHED TO CLOTH DIAPERS for me.
Thanks to BumGenius' wonderful one-size diaper, we now are fully stocked and ready for a few more years of diaperdom -- in green, pink, blue and yellow.

They're very comfortable from my perspective, and pretty easy so far from Mami's perspective. They go on just like regular diapers, with velcro and everything, and they have super-absorbent microfleece liners and, well, so far so good!

So, thumbs up for the environment!

Al Gore would be so proud of us. . .

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

Very impressed. I would LOVE to know how you like them, etc. I'm thinking of doing that myself. They look so adorable on Resli too!