Lela Dorothy Ward was born at 10:30pm on October 29th, 2007. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and measured 21 inches. Lela was her father's maternal grandmother's name, and Dorothy was her mother's maternal grandmother's name. Check back for updates as she continues to grow...
I had a little accident at school today involving my head and a table. I've got a nice bruise to show for it.
Wait, that doesn't do it justice. Try these.
Luckily, I had ice on it for a long time and I'm acting fine. (And you should see the other guy. Or the table.)
Posted lovingly by Gillian Lord Ward
Ouch. I'm glad you're not hurting any more.
You look like such a badass! No one will mess with you because you look like you're crazy enough to just go around headbutting fools who don't know what time it is.
My girls have a low tolerance for disrespect from classroom furniture.
Mickey Rourke?
More like Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.
crikey! poor baby.
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