

I had a little accident at school today involving my head and a table. I've got a nice bruise to show for it.

Wait, that doesn't do it justice. Try these.

Luckily, I had ice on it for a long time and I'm acting fine. (And you should see the other guy. Or the table.)

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Unknown said...

Ouch. I'm glad you're not hurting any more.

Adam said...

You look like such a badass! No one will mess with you because you look like you're crazy enough to just go around headbutting fools who don't know what time it is.

hlward said...

My girls have a low tolerance for disrespect from classroom furniture.

Amy S said...

Mickey Rourke?

hlward said...

More like Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.

Melissa said...

crikey! poor baby.