
Seasonal disconnect

Maybe it's because Mami grew up in the Northeast where we didn't always have white Christmases but we always hoped for them and there was usually a chance of them at the least. Or maybe it's because she's just a sentimental for a good Bing Crosby tune. But whatever it is, Mami has this mindset that Christmas should be, at the very least, COLD.
Well, not here. Yesterday Resli and I were playing oustide in the back yard with, of all things, our inflatable pool. (There was no water in it but they were sure asking for it!)
To us, having been born and, well, so far raised here for our short lives, the few Christmases we've experienced have taught us the 75 degrees and humid is normal for Christmas (and, unfortunately, that it's also normal to put lights on palm trees...).
So while Mami experienced an intense seasonal disconnect while watching us, we sure had a blast!


Amy S said...

Yes, but you're more likely to be able to try out your new bicycle in temperate weather. Count your blessings...

Melissa said...

I'm with you. Lights on palm trees is too weird. But those dresses are adorable!

Unknown said...

And the blast is what it's all about.