
Seasonal disconnect

Maybe it's because Mami grew up in the Northeast where we didn't always have white Christmases but we always hoped for them and there was usually a chance of them at the least. Or maybe it's because she's just a sentimental for a good Bing Crosby tune. But whatever it is, Mami has this mindset that Christmas should be, at the very least, COLD.
Well, not here. Yesterday Resli and I were playing oustide in the back yard with, of all things, our inflatable pool. (There was no water in it but they were sure asking for it!)
To us, having been born and, well, so far raised here for our short lives, the few Christmases we've experienced have taught us the 75 degrees and humid is normal for Christmas (and, unfortunately, that it's also normal to put lights on palm trees...).
So while Mami experienced an intense seasonal disconnect while watching us, we sure had a blast!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! We had a great day. When we got up we opened our stockings and I examined the evidence of Santa's having visited - the snack was gone! (Mmm, those crumbs look like they came from some yummy cake...)

And I got to open cool stuff too, like this hair band. What do you think of the 'do?

Later in the day we got to go over to Grandma and Gradddaddy's house to celebrate with them and Liz and Brian too. I had a great time. And wore yet another headband there. And my new "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" shirt.

We had a great Christmas, I hope you all had a wonderful celebration too!

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The lights in Windsor

I don't know if you guys remember or not, but there's this great house out in Windsor that puts up the most amazing Christmas decorations. We went the other evening to see them again this year.
Resli's favorite part - and mine too - is the Santa sleigh you can ride in.

I also really liked hanging out in Daddy's arms and looking at all the Santas and reindeer and angels and stars.

It was fun and pretty, and it really helped get us in the Christmas mood. (Like we needed any help!)

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Stage fright

It's a good thing you saw yesterday's video of me practicing my singing because today during our performance I got a terrible case of stage fright.
My Silent Night was, well, silent.

And during Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer I got in a "ho ho ho" and a "yippee" here and there, but otherwise just stood there.

(Pardon the poor camera work, the videographer had a four year old in her lap on the floor, in case you couldn't tell!)


Getting ready for tomorrow's recital

Tomorrow is our big holiday recital at school. Resli and I have been practicing our songs at home a lot and we're getting pretty good. Here we are.
My class is singing Rudolph.

Resli's class is singing Away In a Manger.

We're so excited for the big performance tomorrow!



I had a little accident at school today involving my head and a table. I've got a nice bruise to show for it.

Wait, that doesn't do it justice. Try these.

Luckily, I had ice on it for a long time and I'm acting fine. (And you should see the other guy. Or the table.)

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The Wards know how to dance!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It really is. Yesterday it was cold and wintry and we went looking at Christmas trees.

Then we got out stockings. I took that name very literally as you can see.
And then Mami and Daddy got all reindeer silly.

And we decorated our tree with ornaments. Or, if you're me, with tissue paper, but at least I got in to the spirit of the whole thing.
And here's our tree. This is why it looks -- and smells -- a lot like Christmas around here!


Our Thanksgiving travels

For Thanksgiving we went to Washington, D.C. to see family. It was a long trip but I was very excited about it. The Orlando airport itself was awesome, Resli and I had a blast on the train to our gate! And we wore matching outfits too so that everyone would know we were related.

I was a good traveller, and we finally got to cousin Reeny's house in D.C. There were so many friends there, but I didn't take very many pictures so this group shot will have to suffice.
In the back are: Uncle Adam, Cousin Reeny, Cousin Chris, Daddy
In the front are: Uncle Mathias, Aunt Melissa with Cousin Atticus, Resli and me with Mami, Nana and Ollie, and Cousin Kenn.

We did all the things you're supposed to be doing in D.C., like go see the Washington Monument,

and we sat on the Capitol Steps for a snack.

One day we went to the National Zoo and saw all kinds of animals. One of my favorites though was this frog. I guess I thought if I kissed him he'd turn in to a prince?

Overall it was a very fun trip and it was wonderful to see my family. Thank you, Reeny, for an amazing time. Can we make our reservations for next year? :)


My first school pictures

We just got back our school pictures - this is the first year I've ever had mine taken so I was very excited about it.
I got to dress up in costumes and play with different things.

And luckily Resli was there to make me laugh.

We weren't thrilled about the whole theme thing of the picture shoot, but some of them came out well, don't you think?

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It's great to have a big sister

I'm so lucky to have Resli as a big sister. We have so much fun together, from just sitting on the bed...
... to jumping on the bed.

Resli sits me on her lap and reads me stories.

And she also helps me make quite a mess. (That's our favorite thing to do.)

She also leads me around on fun - and sometimes dizzying - games that only a big sister could.

I'm lucky, aren't I?

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My party!

Today was finally the day of my birthday party.

Mami made my Pablo cake, at last.

(He came out OK, except for those eyes. What's up with that, Pablo?)

And this afternoon we decorated a picnic pavilion at my favorite park and some of my friends came to help me celebrate. We played on the playground and talked and laughed, and then everyone sang to me.

There was even a Pablo piƱata, full of fun toys (no candy, please, yesterday was plenty!).

And then Resli and I ran around playing with balloons for longer than you'd think possible.

It's been a long few days of celebrating, but now I'm officially two years old and have celebrated accordingly!


Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday! I'm two whole years old.
Resli offered to help take my two-year pictures. She held the sign.
While I tried to put my party hat on.

Hang on here, I can get this together.

Oh, who cares?!? It's my birthday!

(Doesn't it look like I got a perm to celebrate?)
Even though my real party isn't until Sunday, and Mami's making my special Pablo cake for then, look what we had after dinner tonight: cupcakes! I even had a candle on mine.

I had to work very hard to blow it out.

Aha, success at last!
And aha, more success!
So far it's been a great birthday. Can you believe how fast the last two years have flown by? Me neither! Thanks for sharing them with me.
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