Lela Dorothy Ward was born at 10:30pm on October 29th, 2007. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and measured 21 inches.
Lela was her father's maternal grandmother's name, and Dorothy was her mother's maternal grandmother's name. Check back for updates as she continues to grow...
It was lovely sunny weather this afternoon (after a night of really intense thunderstorms that I slept through but that kept Mami and Daddy awake for quite a while!), so we hung out in the back yard. I'm just discovering this whole sliding thing, but boy is it fun! We have a video too because it was so much fun.
We went over to the nature park this morning to get some exercise and enjoy the wonderful weather. Sure, that was all fun, but the best part as far as I'm concerned was the jungle gym!
Resli and I both liked the slide, and for some reason we both wanted to climb up it.
I thought it was pretty cool once we got up to the top.
Resli and I had so much fun climbing up and sitting down together.
But of course the highlight was sliding DOWN together!
Just for fun, this was my phrase of the day: "silly daddy!"
Resli was such a good girl this week, and especially today which was apparently a challenging day for all of the kids in her class, that she got to be the Mitzvah Mensch again this week! So we got to celebrate Shabbat at home tonight. (Which is fitting, since apparently folks all over the country are doing it!) So at dinner we said the blessings. (I say "we" but really I mean Resli. She's the only one who's got any ear for Hebrew.) Then drank from the kiddush cup: Then tore in to the challah: Lucikly, Resli understands the ritual of passing it around because I was over there yelling ¡pan! ¡pan! ("bread" in Spanish) incessantly. Yep, I like me my pan. Bread, challah, pan, whatever you call it, I like it! And here's a little greeting from us to you.
For the record, Mami thought I could say "Shabbat" because when we were leaving school this afternoon I walked in to the Shabbat room and kept saying "abbat" until she finally realized what I was saying. She said "Oh, you mean that's where you had Shabbat?" and I nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah. Yeah." So, see, she thought I would be equally communicative for the camera. Not.
In case you're wondering, I'm feeling much better these days. I still have the sniffles, and I still have some hives and blotches appear and disappear at random, but overall I'm back to my happy self. I also am getting a couple teeth and saying a new word or phrase just about every day!
One of the things Daddy and I did while Mami was away last weekend was buy two cool new (way on sale!) chairs for our back yard, because Resli and I love playing out there and Mami and Daddy never want to stay because there's nowhere to sit. Well, now there is! Of course, I prefer the swing and the slide, but I sure look cute in the chair too, don't I?
Whew, glad to have this week over with! As you'll recall (refresh your memory down the page if you like - I'll wait ... ) I've been a sick baby this week. First there was the ear infection last week, then the amoxicillin (which I actually enjoyed taking, strangely enough) that turned me into what my family calls "Goofy Polka Dots," then the teething (ouch) and associated drooling, the head cold and the high fever!
But here I am now, rested and ready for the weekend!
*Yes, I was wearing pajamas for pajama day at school. They didn't work out so well, and that's all I have to say about that.
Today is the day we're supposed to dress up like kings and queens at school for Purim. But I'm still too sick to go to school. How sad for me. Maybe I'll be better in time for Friday, which is another fun theme....
Well, my rash seems to just be getting worse. (The doctor warned us that it could get worse before it got better...)
I'm pretty uncomfortable. In fact, my legs have such bad hives that I can't really walk that well. And it seems like everything I do hurts or itches. I've been doing a lot of crying. Add to that my new doozy of a cold and the 102+ fever I have, and, well, I'm not my usual happy self. Mami and Resli tried to help me with an oatmeal bath.
Resli thought it was pretty funny. I was moderately amused, but still not too happy.
I'm trying to sleep now, but between the itching, the fever, the cough... well, it's not going all that well. I can't believe Mami has to go away to a conference tomorrow. :(
Yesterday I cam home from school with a few red spots on my arms and legs. Mami and Daddy weren't sure what it was but hoped it would get better during the night. But this is what it looked like when I woke up. Nope, not better. So we headed off to see Dr. Grooms. I showed her how the spots itched and hurt. She said I'm allergic to Amoxil, the drug I'm taking for my latest ear infection. Not allergic like Resli was with just what's known as a "drug reaction," but a real true full-blown allergic reaction with these hives and everything. So no more amoxicillin or penicillin or anything else in that family for me. But the good news is that my ear looks better. For now... I've got yet another cold now, so we'll see what happens. It's a good thing we like our pediatrician so much because we sure do spend a lot of time there!
At school all this week we're celebrating Purim. Today's theme was "Sports Day," and we were supposed to dress up in our favorite sports team's colors. I refused to wear my cute gator dress with the orange ribbons because they kept rubbing my face, but we compromised on a gator shirt and socks. Resli tried to make me wear necklaces, but I was NOT interested in that! I was happy enough to shake my pom pom with Resli. How's that for fun first thing on a Monday morning?!? Stay tuned for more Purim updates throughout the week...
This afternoon Mami took me and Resli to the Butterfly Rainforest again. I was more interested in it this time than last time, and I couldn't wait to get in! I spent a lot of time examining everything from the fish in the pond to the flowers and the butterflies. Everytime a butterfly flitted by I shouted "bubbafie!" over and over and watched it soar away. I got up close to one too, almost close enough to touch (which you're not supposed to do!), but it flew away. (But when we went inside, Resli was sure to tell the man that worked there "My sister touched a flower!" - just in case I thought I could get away with anything!) Then we went in to see the other stuff in the museum. Resli rolled around on the floor pretending to be Ariel (the mermaid), so I did too.
It was a great afternoon! Be sure to check Resli's blog for her version of events!
Ever since I started daycare and had to give up my morning nap, I've been really tired, especially come lunch time. Sometimes I just get fussy, but today I could barely keep my eyes open, right there at the table with sandwich in hand! OK, check that - I COULDN'T keep my eyes open at all! I kept nodding off and falling forward, then jolting myself awake. Daddy had his hand out so I wouldn't hit the table. (Mami couldn't stop laughing.) I took a 2 and 1/2 hour nap and had to be woken up, but I was as happy and jolly as could be afterwards. And am now sleeping soundly for another 11-hour night. (I'm a VERY good sleeper, and believe me, my parents are aware of how lucky they are in that respect!) But you seriously expect me to "spring ahead" tonight and give up an hour of my precious sleep? We'll see how that goes over...