

Yesterday I cam home from school with a few red spots on my arms and legs. Mami and Daddy weren't sure what it was but hoped it would get better during the night.
But this is what it looked like when I woke up.

Nope, not better.
So we headed off to see Dr. Grooms. I showed her how the spots itched and hurt.

She said I'm allergic to Amoxil, the drug I'm taking for my latest ear infection. Not allergic like Resli was with just what's known as a "drug reaction," but a real true full-blown allergic reaction with these hives and everything. So no more amoxicillin or penicillin or anything else in that family for me.
But the good news is that my ear looks better. For now... I've got yet another cold now, so we'll see what happens. It's a good thing we like our pediatrician so much because we sure do spend a lot of time there!

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Amy Lynn said...

pooor Baby!!!! lots of spa baths!! AKA oatmeal baths...Sorry Lela! Get better soon.

Unknown said...

Good thing you've got such a smart doc, Lela. Penicillin allergy can be scary. Hope you're feeling lots better by now.