Now With Fewer Blotches!
Whew, glad to have this week over with! As you'll recall (refresh your memory down the page if you like - I'll wait ... ) I've been a sick baby this week. First there was the ear infection last week, then the amoxicillin (which I actually enjoyed taking, strangely enough) that turned me into what my family calls "Goofy Polka Dots," then the teething (ouch) and associated drooling, the head cold and the high fever!

But here I am now, rested and ready for the weekend!

*Yes, I was wearing pajamas for pajama day at school. They didn't work out so well, and that's all I have to say about that.
¡Hola guapa! Qué buena foto te ha sacado Daddy con su teléfono, pareces muy contenta y sana y me alegro muchísimo ver tu cara sonriente. Pero dime, amor, ¡¿qué pasó con el pijama?!
Mami ♥
So glad your back to your old self. Have a great weekend!
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